Rainforest Legends

From the banks of the Amazon River to the heart of the West African jungle, Rainforest Legends brings to life favorite folktales and songs about the animals and plants of these lands. Legends tell why the Amazon Birds have feathers as brilliant as the colors of the rainbow, why three Invisible Hunters came to haunt the Nicaraguan rainforest, and how Jabuti the tortoise tricked the Amazon monster Kibungo into sparing the lives of three-toed frog, jaguar and monkey. Audiences love joining in with the songs and chants from many cultures. For teachers, Rainforest Legends comes with extensive curriculum enhancement materials. Different performances are available for K-2 and 3-6th grade.

“Our storytelling assembly for the 5th and 6th graders was one of the best hours we have enjoyed in many years. Even our most reluctant listeners were involved. Thank you for exposing all of us to the pleasure and excitement of listening to stories.” Rosemary Carr, 6th grade teacher, Warwick Elementary School, Warwick PA

“Thank you for your terrific performance of ‘Rainforest Legends’. Several of the teachers stopped me during the day to add their compliments. What a great way for them to kick off their unit of the rainforest! My own first grader reported that some of her classmates were still singing some of your songs at the end of the school day – verification that they were paying attention and absorbing the material. Thanks again for sharing your knowledge about the rainforest so passionately!” ~Ellen Kassarba, PTO Belmont, MA