Fairy Legends of Ireland

There is plenty of laughter and delight in this animated retelling of Ireland’s best-loved gems including Irish favorites like Bee Mouse Harp & Bumclock, an Irish Jack in the Beanstalk story where Jack gets magic bugs instead of beans, and Gilly Dirtyfoot where a young lad’s aversion to washing his feet causes him to fall in with a fairy band. Cloaks of invisibility and magic spells abound as hapless Gilly sets out to help free the Princess of France. Known for her vivid comedic style, Diane brings delight to her interpretations of these classic Irish favorites. This performance is accompanied by Margot Chamberlain on Celtic harp.

Storyteller Wows Millicent Crowd: “Unfolded with zest and humor, the story captivated the audience which scarcely moved in the course of its telling. Proof, if any such were needed, that storytelling is as vital as ever, and is in good company in the presence of Diane Edgecomb and Margot Chamberlain.” ~ The Advocate, Fairhaven, MA