Storytelling Performances with Celtic harp and Song
Fantastical Folktales of Flowers
From the dramatic to the sublime to the wildly humorous, world stories about flowers are deeply entertaining. Retold by award-winning storyteller and theatre artist Diane Edgecomb these stories conjure a magical world bringing new meaning to favorite garden flowers. The centerpiece of the performance is Diane’s original adaptation of the Persian legend: Nightingale and Rose which weaves together the evocative stories that tell how its special beauty came to be. A humorous Native American story about the maiden ‘Dandelion,’ the dramatic tale of the indulgent Narcissus and a beautiful duet about the mysterious “Language of Flowers,” celebrated in Victorian times, are only a few of the featured pieces. A theatre artist as well as a master storyteller Diane transforms into the characters in her tales bringing each scene vibrantly to life. The performance is accompanied by Celtic harp and song performed by long-time collaborator Margot Chamberlain. Celebrate flowers and the stories that have been told about them through the ages with this enchanting performance.
(Also available as a fully licensed video)
“You brought my garden alive to me in the most unusual and delightful way. I will never see a rose in the same way again!” Audience member- Pomperaug Woods, 2015
“I want to thank you for bringing your performance to our Wellfleet Gardeners meeting. Your music and storytelling were beautifully done and everyone enjoyed your presentation.”
Sacred Groves: Folktales and Songs of the Deep Spirit of Trees
“Sacred Groves” is a mesmerizing weave of storytelling, music and song that reawakens us to the wonder and beauty of trees. Folktales from the rich traditions of Japan, Australia, Russia, Britain and Native America celebrate cherry, evergreen and ash groves with the performance culminating in the haunting Czech legend “The Dancing Spirit of the Birch” in which a young girl leaves her cares behind and at last discovers the joys of dance. Diane’s humorous and heartfelt adaptations of traditional tales and Margot’s evocative harp accompaniment tune us to the inner life of the forest as imagined by cultures around the world.
This performance is for an adult audience though ages 8 and above are also welcome.
In addition to the live performance, “Sacred Groves” is also available as a hybrid event of storytelling video via Zoom and online writing and storytelling workshop.
“It was one of the most moving storytelling nights I’ve experienced. It reawakened in me, and perhaps all of us there, a sense of the spirit in things.” Jay O’Callahan, NEA award winner, Lifetime Achievement award National Storytelling Network
“I’ve heard this performance twice and can’t recommend it highly enough. It is magical, it is musical, it is beautiful, it is soulful, it is perfection.” Bambi Good, Brookline, MA
The Winter Solstice in Story and Song
Celebrate the Winter Solstice with haunting legends of light, evergreen traditions, and entertaining tales surrounded by traditional and original music and song. Master storyteller Diane Edgecomb brings to life ancient tales of the longest nights: the beautiful Legend of the Mistletoe from Scandinavia, humorous English Wassail traditions, and the poignant Greek legend The Halcyon Days of Peace. Accompanied by Celtic harper Margot Chamberlain and multi-instrumentalist Tom Megan this performance offers a fascinating look at the humorous and moving stories that accompany winter holiday traditions. Songs evocative of the season and lovely instrumental melodies round out the event.
“No one worked more magic than you, Diane. You were one shining light! From the time you stepped onto the Gathering stage, you held the audience spellbound.” Peg O’ Sullivan, Festival Director, Connecticut Storytelling Center
Tales of the Supernatural
Just in time for Halloween, Diane opens up the doors to the supernatural with a riveting performance of true tales & folkloric stories including “Twilight of the Stones” a true ghost story about the eerie force that emanates from the standing stones of Avebury, England and “Feline Terror” in which every Halloween superstition comes home to roost. Black cats abound in this cautionary tale for pet-lovers as Diane battles the neighborhood Tom-cat bully amidst the local trick or treat parade. Fun, frightening and a wee bit historical “Tales of the Supernatural” has a decidedly Celtic slant, delving into the Gaelic folktales behind our Halloween customs including the devilish encounter that created the first Jack O’Lantern.
“Your Halloween tale is truly a work of art. I love to watch you go from that sweet, sweet old lady to that cigar-chompin’ dockworker who talks out of the side of his face. You do it in the twinkling of an eye, and during that twinkling, you play the harp!” Carolyn Martino, Events producer
Fairy Legends of Ireland
There’s plenty of laughter and delight in this animated retelling of Ireland’s best-loved tales of the fairies. Favorites like Gilly Blackfoot where a young lad’s aversion to washing his feet causes him to fall in with a fairy band are complemented by tunes and songs on the Irish harp as well as tales of the mysteries to be found in the raised roths and deep dells of the Irish landscape. Known for her vivid comedic style, Diane brings delight to her masterful retelling of these classic Irish favorites. The performance is accompanied by Margot Chamberlain on Celtic harp. A perfect performance to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day and the wearing of the green.
Storyteller Wows Millicent Crowd: “Unfolded with zest and humor, the story captivated the audience which scarcely moved in the course of its telling. Proof, if any such were needed, that storytelling is as vital as ever, and is in good company in the presence