NOTE: All of Diane’s workshops are available now in a live-Zoom or other interactive online format, but don’t miss the special emphasis on performing virtually in the Going Virtual Link below!
Diane’s innovative workshops are inspirational! Those new to storytelling are helped to discover their unique voice while seasoned professionals develop new skills to enhance their work.
Going Virtual!
Diane offers a fun introduction to her current work with Green Screen, Storytelling Videos and Video editing. Enjoy a short video that shows how tried and true content developed over many years can shine in this new Online arena.
The Art and Craft of Storytelling
Seasoned storytellers and beginners alike benefit from Diane’s hands-on storytelling workshops. Learn techniques for vocal expressiveness, discover how to create believable characters and enliven your narrative and story-making abilities. Experience the Power of Story!
Storytelling in Nature Education
For over a decade, Diane has been a leader in developing innovative ways to link storytelling and the natural world, these workshops are especially for nature, science and environmental educators.
Elementary School Workshops and Residencies
Diane leads workshops for classroom educators and for students themselves.
Individual Coaching
Diane leads one-on-one private coaching for those wishing to develop their storytelling skills and enhance stage-presence. Sessions focus on problem solving for upcoming performance pieces and developing the full expressive potential of each individual.